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11/11/21 3:21 PM

#80647 RE: Stockman1010101 #80641

Oh please, facts are fact one these are not new $AMC shares so it's not dilution and it is a fraction of any of the offerings and braking up the sale of AMC shares over a three month term is not dumping

Google DRIP Feed SEO; the same theory can be applied to stocks ie no negative reaction. Too much of something like selling too many $AMC shares or adding too many back links will cause a negative reaction

If the kitchen at $AMC was too hot for me I would get out of the kitchen and Blaze A Big Bowl Of Greens to go with my AMC Tendies

drip Drip DRIP

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Don't forget when WANDA sold their were plenty of shares to short and we were not in a situation where most brokerages had no shares to short. Now we are there and AA is opening the flood gates for the short to do their damage using high frequency trading. Think about it people.