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11/08/21 11:01 AM

#46210 RE: ANTI-BAGHOLDER #46208

Mssv is nothing like Lans for many reasons.. go to otc market to verify. That’s fact.


12/04/21 6:09 PM

#47308 RE: ANTI-BAGHOLDER #46208

I do not understand the massive or legitimate part of your statement at all...there is nothing at all to verify massive or legitimate. How many employees at GSCG???? Any verifiable income from GSCG years now.Same exact players from LAHO . almost the same exact share structure minus the OS shares awaiting dilution ,but we all know its coming. couple of guys living off stock holders here, Thats all that's happening at MSSV now. GSCG would not even register in a real corp in Florida until the law made them. Its $158 bucks to look legal but theses guys are that efen cheap. This is nothing but a group of stock manipulators. Find a real company to invest in. Loi after Loi after delay after 90 day delay after 60 day delay after 180 day delay.....then repeat..........


01/06/22 8:44 AM

#49391 RE: ANTI-BAGHOLDER #46208

Why is this a sticky at this point