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AXTG takes next step in booming, multibillion-dollar NFT universe with launch of

PR Newswire LOS ANGELES, Oct. 12, 2021

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- AXIS TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, INC. (OTC: AXTG), a holding company that promotes decentralized finance businesses and supports the development of blockchain and decentralized finance (DeFi) projects, is thrilled to announce the launch of - A first-of-its-kind, secure, simple and safe DeFi investment tool designed to generate yields and maximize value in ERC1155 non-fungible tokens (NFT). is a digital asset management platform that invests in DeFi digital assets reminiscent of traditional company bonds and shares, where the company acts as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Through the utility of the ETHF (ETHFund) token, released in early 2021, token holders can participate in the ETHFund platform and swap, auction, and distribute wealth through an Ethereum smart contract created for ERC20 to ERC1155 (NFTs) token swapping.

Along with swapping and staking capabilities, users will be able to invest in three major NFT project categories, including online movie productions, digital art and original music.

As an added benefit, ETHFund also gives users the unique ability to earn dividends, reward points, and multi-NFT token fee payments. These digital asset products and services are comparable to the traditional financial economy, yet far more efficient, cheaper and accessible to consumers.

To join ETHFund, a user must acquire minimum 1,000 ETHF tokens on a cryptocurrency exchange like, AXTG's proprietary Decentralized Exchange. Once the user acquires ETHF tokens, they can connect their wallet to the platform to begin investing in NFT projects, staking their ETHF, and participating in exclusive loyalty reward programs.

ETHFund is attracting interest from major players in the NFT space for their mission to be trust-less, decentralized and accessible to all:

It operates on one of the largest public blockchains, Ethereum, tapping into 60 million crypto wallets.
Anyone can set up a cryptocurrency wallet to access DeFi products and transact with other users in ETHFund's easy to use, peer-to-peer environment.
With accessibility at its core, ETHFund enables interoperability with different cryptocurrencies and fiat for simple and safe transactions.
Led by AXTG, the ETHFund ecosystem is expanding rapidly with partnerships across FinTech, Stablecoins, social media and IOT devices, ensuring vertical alignment and a seamless, end-to-end user experience.

ETHFund's first NFT project allows members to swap ETHF tokens for a limited issue of 1,000 Wallet Movie NFTs, entitling users to become investors in the new Hollywood movie production, Wallet Movie.

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