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11/08/21 10:09 AM

#240277 RE: LongRun8 #240274

That just adds to the timeline having to wait the full time for NDA. I guess we'll just have to see if Covid is endemic by then, how the world stands with vaccinations, and which variants might emerge and wreak havoc.

I have wondered IF given the gravity of covid against the backdrop of it's ability to create worse variants- whether it might be advisable to "leave the door open a little longer" with EUA. The transmissibilty of Delta, the ability to create variants that elude vaccinations and the current resistance/"hesitancy" to vaccinations could ensure the pandemic goes on a while.

Also.... few antivirals have been very effective on hospitalized patients- what would the impact be if a new drug could improve on that? Dropped viral shedding more quickly? Had some differentiation with long haulers?

We recovered *relatively* quickly from the last pandemic, but unless (it could be argued) greater measures are taken this pandemic could last far longer and seems to hold potential for possibly mutating into something even worse.

If it were so that a larger company would partner w/ ENTA perhaps the ENTA antiviral could be sped thru a little faster- for a number of reasons. I have no idea how much latitude there is with the EUA, but I think the current administration- and the world- has a lot of skin in the game with covid getting resolved.