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11/07/21 7:55 PM

#382608 RE: Areader #382600

"How many of the approximately 50% of the country who refuse to be vaccinated will be willing to take another "experimental" treatment for mild symptoms, of what many will refuse to believe is Covid, and those who do, believe they'll survive it, anyway?"

Good question. Even those who have been triple-jabbed (cough cough) might have qualms about taking a new pill within 5 days of first signs. The early onset symptoms would have to be such that a person would feel the need to see a Doctor and that Doctor would have to provide a prescription. That may prove to be a short list.

Of course IF the drug works and IF infected people recognize it soon enough and get a prescription, then they'll avoid having to be treated for moderate-to-severe disease and that would be a good thing, even if it put a crimp in IPIX revenues.

Of course there will always be a group who would rather do nothing at all until they're in a hospital bed.