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11/02/21 11:57 AM

#380981 RE: BonelessCat #380978

Yes, you are right on all counts. If our BPs would have let Africa, India and other poor places license their products for a year or two the world would be much more vaccinated and we in the US would not be constantly looking out of the corner of our eyes for new variants. Greed is greed, and Pfizer, Moderna, etc. are infected with it. Oh, and our drug prices are still double what is paid in the rest of the advanced word, despite NIH's having funded most of the basic research that put the BPs on the course to develop all these great products. Great at drug development, but heartless and short sighted. And this is the pond IPIX swims in, with Leo as our captain. But just or more of our ships will come in.

To infinity and beyond!

11/02/21 4:53 PM

#381060 RE: BonelessCat #380978

You misunderstand him totally. He would love to stand up as a hero to his country. But then you probably have never heard of geroy nashevo vremeni.

Your portayal of Putin is the one that is way way off. Sorry.

He found out it failed last May-