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10/31/21 2:06 PM

#125245 RE: Bonno #125243

I was not disputing their product is inferior at the moment. They are going to be buying low cost bud from Columbia so the quality will be improving (assuming the grower in the article you posted is as good as you say she is) and they have the network and 2.0 products that are licensed and compliant with Health Canada and any other jurisdiction they sell in to. The quality of bud is improving and the price is dropping just as predicted. Soon the black market will fall away or get licensed as the profitability drops. That will leave the legal market, artisanal growers and people who grow just because they love the plant. As predicted. There really is room for everybody in the new paradigm, Everybody except those who are only in it for the money and will not follow the quality control rules. The thing to be doing at this point is little guys pool their resources and get to the table where they are evaluating the laws and making new and hopefully less burdensome rules. Farmgate sales are on the table. The “little guys” should be as vocal with their MPs and Health Canada as they are on social media. The extreme restrictions were put in place to avoid the nonsense that they had to deal with in the states. They were put in place with a review in 3 years. The 3 years are up and now the real regulations are being formulated. I know natural rebels do not like any restrictions but it is better for them to be giving feedback from a real world perspective so we get reasonable regulations. You KNOW the big guys would love to cut you out of the equation. If you are at the table it is harder for them to pull the rug out from under you. If you do not talk to those making the regulations now you will be stuck with the regs that favour those who are giving them feedback. Politicians want votes. If lots of voters call their reps and tell them what they want to see it has a better chance of being balanced than just letting those who can afford lobbyists. Best thing is hire your own lobbyists who can compile a compelling argument for making the rules according to what you want to see and present it in a way politicians can get behind them. You can spend all kinds of money suing the govt for years later but it is more effective to do it now when the new laws are being written. Right now weed is being treated like tobacco. It should be treated more like liquor going forward. That is up to whoever is at the table. I would think that would be enough motivation for rebels to cooperate. :)