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10/27/21 3:26 PM

#191323 RE: BBalls-N-CowTown #191294

He saw the mess and told NP it would take 14monrhs to fix it. That did not sit right with NP so he fired him and gave him a lot of money plus an NDA.
And now it will take longer than 14months to fix. Mahboob is probably laughing now.


10/27/21 7:36 PM

#191375 RE: BBalls-N-CowTown #191294

Considering Mahboob is no longer here - it opens up a number of different possibilities.

I suggest:

Now that we've learned the extent of the disaster the BLA represented - here's a possibility...

Mahboob may have started confidently thinking it would only take a bit of "fixing" to get this BLA filed. After examining the BLA he probably discovered the true extent of tragedy the BLA as constructed, represented. I remember Mahboob's positive announcements of progress, and impending completion dates, but they obviously didn't pan out.

He WAS well paid for the task he didn't complete and probably couldn't complete. Lucky Mahboob.

I hope Chris Recknor is more successful in shepherding the BLA to completion!