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10/26/21 8:12 PM

#699528 RE: kthomp19 #699526

As such, I think either the seniors will be converted to common or the warrants will be exercised. Not both, but not neither.


Pie-in-the-sky to think govt. fesses up and says "Sorry, please forgive us".

Ain't the tone in the courts. It is just the opposite. "We saved you and you should be happy we let you live. Slave!"

Alas, the govt. can't giveaway $100B or more and walk away with nothing.

Convert SPS & Cancel warrants - that's a two-fer. SPS was never intended to convert and warrants are on the books and never intended to be cancelled.

Exercise warrants (and this is the 'gift') cancel the SPS, and consider paid.

Here, the gift is really only 20% of a gift; the gift is to the commoners, and they have 80% of the common upon exercise.

Cancelling the SPS will get rid of lawsuits
Exercising warrants and converting SPS will create more.

Of course, the greedy bastards are known to 'want it all'.

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10/26/21 9:03 PM

#699533 RE: kthomp19 #699526

"Kelly was just filed, so does this mean you don't expect anything meaningful from the other existing cases?"

I'm not going to try and guess at how meaningful it might be from those existing cases, but maybe something happens that starts a meaningful chain of events. We'll see.

"Feared by whom?

Personally, if I got everything wrong and the commons go to $20 or $40 or $200 or whatever, the juniors will have to hit at least par (could be more if converted or divs turn back on) and that will be enough money to set me for life. I used to dislike the prospect of the commons outperforming the juniors, and I still highly doubt it will happen, but I am not bothered by the idea now."

Not by you, as you stated, but some.
Fear, was a word used by me describing others having less belief in MY view of probability in the highest favorable outcome for commons. Scared/fear, for lack of a better word, that it might end up more on the downside than upside, in which case would then opt for a safer position in jps.

"As such, I think either the seniors will be converted to common or the warrants will be exercised. Not both, but not neither."

Agreed, that only one of the two and not both. I still believe it's possible, before this is over, that gov't gets told to walk away with all that money they collected (even without returning any money), but not taking more. Again my belief and why I am holding.

Thank you for your time responding. I hope it works out for us all.