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10/26/21 9:53 AM

#191043 RE: searching4rainbow #191039

They didn't care one bit how it affected the market and you will notice they sold/shorted just prior to their propaganda news release, during and after. It was quite coordinated. Just to think though, it brought good bargains for todays rise. I like how the market opened, We will end higher today... maybe much higher after the 1 pm beginning of the official company update!! $CYDY$

13D has shot themselves in the foot. Way to go Ambulance Rosenbummed. No way you will ever get on the BOD's. It's reserved for NADAAAH and the A Team. I will be especially excited to hear Recknor speak in a few hours.
Love those Nader repeats too!! Pure 13d=horned BS. Why has the 13d=throned takeover attack failed... because deception is the 13d=fanged modus operandi. I choose transparency that includes the good bad and ugly over deceptive tactics anyday.

Quote:It also requires the company to make accurate representations of their trials data which they also have failed to do repeatedly. There has only been a press release of the HIV mono Phase 3, no complete presentation. The U.S. CoV trial reporting was so deceptive that FDA had to issue a statement to correct the misconceptions and manipulated data. That attracted the SEC and the DOJ it was so egregious.

Can anyone link the requirement mentioned? Can you provide examples of their repeated failures or is this just an opinion? OH, why was that bogus letter not signed or acknowledged by FDA? Sounds like FDA learned from the irs on how to intimidate and then deny.

Talk about repeats... hang on till 1pm this Tuesday! Your going to hear about some repeats of patients walking home from the hospitals in Brazil and the Philippines. We love repeats as much as we love weekends. Sorry. Two bucks share coming very quickly.


10/26/21 10:19 AM

#191049 RE: searching4rainbow #191039

They seem to be trying to create the impression to that so many were upset about the court results and the fact that they were not allowed on the ballot.

Now they are attempting to "set up" Cytodyn for failure by attempting to inhibit the vote for the 200 million increase in shares.

Pro 13D will vote Against

Pro Cytodyn will vote For.

There is a possibility that the 200 million is not authorized. If that happens, it opens up the possibility of a Reverse Split to free up shares.

So, inhibiting the authorization if the 200 million shares will not yield the result that the 13D and it's minions think it will, which is bankruptcy.



10/26/21 11:56 AM

#191063 RE: searching4rainbow #191039

That is particularly true as most of the warrant, option or convertible share conversions are investors in it for the cash. John Fife's vulture fund cashed in $40 million in interest, fees and settlements in 2020. That was in the range to 20 million shares and they sell theirs fast. Add company options, warrants and preferred conversions and you have a stead stream of shares hitting the market. Now add NP's piggy bank of 200,000,000 that shareholders will likely approve, you can see how much downward pressure the share price will feel. Company has to payoff $65 million in payables, $55 million in vulture debt to begin with. That will likely hit the market soon after the approval as the creditors are impatient. Look at Amarex holding all the clinical data hostage because of $12 million in past due bills.