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10/21/21 6:38 PM

#139898 RE: cliffvb #139890

Obamacare is a great example of the socialization of health insurance.

As I said, you really have no clue what "socialism is". It's just a buzzword MAGAS like to use when they have no argument or don't understand the issues being discussed.

Socialism is where the government owns the means of production. In no way does Obamacare remotely come close to that. Here, let these paragraphs be your teacher, so the next time you venture into a discussion about the ACA and socialism, you might at least be a bit better informed....

Myth: ObamaCare is Socialism

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. ObamaCare is a law that regulates key parts of the same quasi-private and regulated healthcare system we had before the law was passed.

Under ObamaCare we have a regulated private health care industry with a mix of public and private funding. This is best described as a “quasi-private” healthcare system.

A pure “socialist” healthcare system would have total public funding and care (or would at least regulate every aspect of funding and care).

Even a single payer system isn’t “socialist” because single payer denotes public funding, not public delivery. In other words not only is the current system not “socialist”, but nothing we have ever really discussed in America, including the more left leaning single payer, is socialist.