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10/15/21 3:42 PM

#177791 RE: Mrblabla #177790

Well said

Thank you
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10/15/21 3:59 PM

#177792 RE: Mrblabla #177790

Wow this is deep

Gary had a sinking ship filled with toxic debt, warrants etc.

Who do you think created that mess?

Oh and yeah a Pandemic to contend with,

To contend with? The pandemic kept PCT from going belly up, as stated above, it was a sinking ship

BUT he has effectively kept this company afloat

He has effectively done what a 4 year old is capable of doing. Take on toxic debt that lenders gush over to provide. The pandemic gave PCT a boost in revenues, without assistance from the CEO. PCT hit the jackpot with the pandemic, at least for a handful of months.

Then the CEO squandered it all away. Didnt take advantage with good business strategy, just shot from the hip to put out flimsy, phony stories about the UK, 1m gal and suckering in distributors for quick cash etc. That was his way of taking advantage of the opportunities put forth by the pandemic

Stunning mischaracterization!!
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10/16/21 10:08 PM

#177810 RE: Mrblabla #177790

Love to be reminded about some truths early on with that toxic rm. Gary has been leading the ship through many storms and now a new captain needs to come in and continue …
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10/17/21 12:26 PM

#177815 RE: Mrblabla #177790

Well said about Gary. And very rational.
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Big bucks

10/17/21 2:06 PM

#177816 RE: Mrblabla #177790

IMO this CEO deserves NO RESPCT. Once he lied to shareholders that was it for me,, he waited 6-7 months after he informed shareholders the 2020 revenue would be appx $5 million while he knew all along there was no way he was going to even come close to that number.. He then went on to say 2021 would be a $10 million year... lied again and then finally came clean... trust, and poor leadership if you ask me....ANY ONE CAN KEEP A COMPANY AFLOAT WITH DILUTION....ANYONE....

Unless this company gets a stong leader in here quickly..this company will fail and or it will continue to float on th ebacks of the shareholders while diluting th ehell out o of them.....cant run a company on quartely expenses of 800 k while revenue is 500K ( thats being generous)

1. they need a partner with some $$$$
2. they need a buyout
3. they need a massiv ein flux of revenue
4. they need quality leaderip
5. can they survive? only if they move in a different direction with a motivated CEO who knows how to GET THINGS DONE!!

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10/17/21 5:37 PM

#177821 RE: Mrblabla #177790

Spot on post Mr. Blabla. I couldn't agree more with everything in the post. Gary saved the company from poor business decisions by the old business manager Tom Whitehead. He also saved the company from a lousy deal by Jody Reed.
Gary has taken the company beyond the Annihilyzer technology with 2 new technologies that are patentable. These 2 new technologies should add to significant revs as each technology starts to unfold and move forward.

Always nice to read your perspective Mr. Blabla.