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10/15/21 7:50 AM

#378692 RE: Brinjal #378668

I'd rather not make a prediction based on a "the stock goes to zero" assumption. Issuing a crapload of shares wouldn't be the reason a stock price went to zero.

I'm not sure what led you to think I have a specific expectation of what they actually WILL do. I don't. They have created a framework that limits what they CAN do. The limits seem outrageous to me but it remains to be seen how and when they use them.

Under the heading Annual Stock Option Awards:
"The Compensation Committee approved stock option awards under the Plan relating to one million shares of common stock to each independent director and 500,000 shares of common stock to each of the non-independent director and the Company's Senior Vice President, Clinical Sciences and Portfolio Management."

The 10Q filed for the 3/31/20 quarter said this.....
"On February 23, 2020, the Board of Directors approved an amendment to Section 4.1 of the Corporation’s 2016 Equity Incentive Plan to increase the annual limit on the number of awards under such Plan to outside directors from 250,000 to 1,500,000."
No 8-K was filed reporting that amendment and it appears that none was necessary. Given that, it is apparent that the current Amendment was filed in anticipation of some corporate action(s) that would not be permissible without it versus a desire or requirement for transparency.

There's nothing illegal about this stuff. It results from the appointment and shareholder approval of friendly independent Directors who may or may not have the welfare of shareholders as their #1 priority.