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10/12/21 4:32 AM

#53601 RE: Bobinsd #53599

Of you just found it and don’t Ike it. You haven’t done your DD. Causes this company has a lot more going for it, then any other hearing aid company. Partnership with Cardinal health distribution, only with hearing aids at FHS, HSA, Hy Vee, soon BJ’s, CVS, Walgreens, Walmart . Plus they just acquired Ihear and all its patents. So, if I were you, I’d look in to it again. For the share price, this is a great investment. GL


10/12/21 7:00 AM

#53602 RE: Bobinsd #53599

I found this company back in February. And have been sorry I did so. Bought over six cents and look where the price is now! Stay away, stay far far away and don’t believe all these bag holders, who are trying to unload their shares