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01/30/07 2:39 PM

#31893 RE: WinningTrade #31890

What do you expect to see on next 14A?
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01/30/07 2:40 PM

#31894 RE: WinningTrade #31890

So can someone figure on this: FCCN shareholders are only getting 15% of a company that netted 10 million dollars. This doesn't seem like a big number being the number of shares(FCCN)out there are high.
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01/30/07 2:42 PM

#31899 RE: WinningTrade #31890

In due respect, please note the chart is setting up a right shoulder formation. There are newbies here and I think it is a disservice NOT to point this out at this time. Not bashing, just observation.

AGT would be a prime example to see what I mean.

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01/30/07 2:43 PM

#31902 RE: WinningTrade #31890

then somehow maybe that will be used in a way to get the 15%

What in the world does SOMEHOW MAYBE mean? Is it kinda sorta I think so?