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10/06/21 9:46 AM

#7023 RE: thelimeyone #7021

There are honest questions in economic circles as to whether the debt even matters anymore. I don't have an ideological position on this, as I don't understand enough of the argument. Just sayin'.

Additionally, we have to raise the debt ceiling because of debts already incurred, not due to any future spending. Both parties have incurred this debt, knowing they were spending beyond the established ability of gov't income to cover the shortfall.

If anything, gov't need to budget lower & tax higher. Empire is expensive. Personally, I would slash military spending (which is essentially "junk food" spending), fully fund the IRS to enforce the tax laws on the books, and increase taxes/cut loopholes on those making above $200k/$400k for individual/family. Personal choices.

If they raise the debt ceiling we are truly f....d.

The U.S. has a credit card. Just like individuals/families. It would be a disaster if the U.S. just decided to stop paying on the card, as we saw 10 years ago or so. A policy of not increasing the debt limit is ignorant of the real-world implications & incredibly irresponsible. It would say to the world (and our creditors) "we don't know how to manage our money & our political system is broken". Which it is, but...

Debt limit increases occur under both administrations/parties. I assume you were also against the Trump tax cuts (added at least $1t to $1.5t...trillion with a the debt). If we are raising the debt ceiling, that is a chunk of the reason. I would call your members of congress (useless) or better yet, donate $50k to each of your representatives (that will get their attention) and urge them to pass Build Back Better, which rescinds some of those tax cuts and, at least theoretically, funds itself.

To say we are f....d if we raise the debt ceiling, however, is simply irresponsible & foolish.

This current debt ceiling argument is just politics. That it has become fashionable in the U.S. to play politics with the country's future, THAT'S the problem.
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10/06/21 12:02 PM

#7033 RE: thelimeyone #7021

the uS is going down and that's the way they want it. buy the country for pennies on the dollar. The rich don't pay taxes. why they need so much money; there s no logic other than to compare at their cocktail parties. read joyce nelson beyond banksters and bypassing dystopia. god help us all.
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10/06/21 12:02 PM

#7034 RE: thelimeyone #7021

the uS is going down and that's the way they want it. buy the country for pennies on the dollar. The rich don't pay taxes. why they need so much money; there s no logic other than to compare at their cocktail parties. read joyce nelson beyond banksters and bypassing dystopia. come on MTRT give us little guys a chance. god help us all.