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09/30/21 1:29 PM

#172594 RE: Truth022809 #172593

Dangling the carrot, are you honestly surprised???? I’m not


09/30/21 1:30 PM

#172595 RE: Truth022809 #172593

Those are my thoughts. Dropping 1 billion is either delusional, dishonest, or they have some substantial news to drop. But since they’re giving us the silent treatment, egh?


09/30/21 1:31 PM

#172596 RE: Truth022809 #172593

You're right give us something realistic. I think this new crew they have managing things underestimates how educated and how long people have been invested. Because the 1 billion number sounded like they were trying to catch a reddit wave. Give us an uplist or a deal first before ya throw those numbers out. That's how I really feel...