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09/28/21 10:55 PM

#376498 RE: MinnieM #376493

India has much denser poor populations with vastly inferior hospitals for the masses.

Among those poor Indian populations the major risk factors for COVID mortality (obese, hypertension, diabetes, extremely old age) are much much lower. The lazy, gluttonous, and elderly population of the United States would be expected to have some of the highest COVID mortality rates in the world.

The US healthcare system is relatively good at prolonging the lives of infirm against chronic conditions. Despite much better hospitals, the US health system doesn't have a much better answer to COVID than the Indian system due to lack of therapeutics. The oxygen, ventilators, and steroids only help so much.

Also, the US does extreme amounts of testing and accounting of COVID disease and death. I suspect the incidence of reporting is significantly lower among lower class Indian populations.

Stack all this together and I don't find the numbers between these countries all that surprising.

Just hoping Brilacidin knocks it out of the park next month.



09/28/21 10:55 PM

#376499 RE: MinnieM #376493

Could underreporting of deaths in India be a factor?

The virus does not discriminate.