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09/13/21 1:31 PM

#216 RE: 1manband #215

If you say so... look you can pat your self on the back all you want I could care less...but incase you need a refresher, there has been not pump on this and no dump... it was at 04 when they announced the BK was announced dismissed... for the past 4 months its done nothing but go down, all on a whopping 14,000 shares a day average... nothing close to a pump and dump here... This has had about 5 posts a day when there are any posts at all...

Lastly in the past 15 years I have seen multiple BK stocks new owner ship...

Its works this way A new conservator applies to the court and when granted the conservator then finds a merger candidate. Thats how it works... now we are done I no longer have a dog in this fight and am wasting my posts on your miss information.