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09/13/21 1:01 PM

#40998 RE: tripmcneely #40996

You know, no one would be nearly as mad if it weren’t for all of Ezra’s nonsense - “you ain’t seen nothin yet!!!! (With lots more explanation points)” “this is just kids stuff” “hang in there” “shareholders will be very happy.” And then of course all of the press releases that don’t make any sense at all.

If he just stayed humble and played it straight, I for one would be far more forgiving. In fact, I wouldn’t be mad at all. Running a public company is no easy task, you don’t see just anyone trying to do it. But when you say the things Ezra said, and don’t back it up, then you’re f***ing with peoples’ money. And when you f*** with peoples’ money, don’t expect people to just blindly forgive your incompetence.