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Joe Burmeister

09/11/21 6:47 PM

#65572 RE: somanymike #65571

All the company has to do is release one lousy PR stating that they have paid the OTC fees and applied for OTC Access or something to that effect. Heck, it doesn't even have to be that detailed. Even an OFFICIAL tweet stating the company is working diligently in becoming compliant is all that is needed. If it pans out, then great. If he doesn't, the shareholders just have to accept it. After all, there are things that the company has no control over.

But remaining silent is NOT an option. The silence implies the company is hiding something, and is being deceitful. The shareholders will be getting more and more infuriated with his day passing. Imagine if you are a 100+ million share holder, and you invested in this company based on how well Cannazall was doing. Real verifiable product. Real customers. Real revenue. Thousands of visitors to their website every day. And you read all the awesome things the CEO was planning to do to build the business. Their Madrid "presence". The third party "funding", etc. The future was so bright,....except unknown to all, the CEO was merely milking the shareholders to enrich himself. Shortly after, he went dark. That is CRIMINAL. It amounts to "SECURITIES FRAUD".

I saw a bunch of tweets earlier about a group of shareholders getting together and meeting up in Tampa to confront the CEO about his continued silence. Not something I would condone, especially tweeting about it on social media.