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09/10/21 11:50 PM

#1096 RE: head22 #1092

I hate to say this... but I think we'll start seeing zeroes drop off when the exchange comes out. Until then we might just be treading water.

As Monte said, this company is very young. I'm going to generalize and say that typically crypto has a stronger following amongst younger investors than it does with older, more experienced ones. That's not to say there aren't older investors (raises hand), just that it's almost like a trendy thing as opposed to more traditional stock trading that is more comfortable and familiar for people that have been trading for a while.

For whatever recent reason... maybe it was the AMC/GME stuff... this new wave of investors seems to think that changes will happen overnight and if they don't the stock or token is bunk. As a result of that, or maybe even resulting from it, they don't care much about the smaller foot steps that lead us to these bigger results... in Safemoon's case... the wallet... the SWAP... the buy button... etc. From what I've been seeing, they appear to be focused only on the Safemoon exchange.

This leads to a problem for them in that a large portion won't get in as early as they should to capitalize on their potential gains and/or will sell out too quickly before those gains are fully realized. It also leads to a problem for the rest of us as we have to deal with the sell offs or stagnating buys while waiting for that one big record to drop.

So again... might be stuck until the exchange comes out due to a lack of fundamental understanding. Which... it is what it is. The exchange will be huge. It will produce revenues and increase both the liquidity pool and the burn rate. It is a big deal. It's just that a lot of things that should be moving us upward are getting overlooked in the interim. This combined with the massive whale sell offs in the last couple of days.

Anyway. Might be right, might be wrong, but those are my two cents.