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09/10/21 6:38 PM

#385051 RE: wEaReLeGiOn #385047

Well in hindsight a lot of us who are not from New York had a little bit of rose colored lenses for Rudy. Talking with people now, they explain what a piece of shit he has been throughout the years and nothing about him now doesn't surprise them.

It's the same way with Dubya. We were attacked on our own soil so we had to rally around whoever was in place.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

Yes, I think Lindell is wacked out on something but I believe that's just recent. I don't believe his "I used to be a crackhead" story and nobody on the planet ever stepped up to say "yeah that dude and I used to chase the dragon". It was a bullshit narrative that he created for himself to sell more pillows and it worked until he started to believe it himself and got hooked up with Don Jr. and his abhorrent coke slut wife.

either way, I have no empathy for any of them. They are hateful people that drag others through the wringer only to fuel their drug induced egos.

Not one speck of compassion for their fellow man/women. Only vitriol and when they are called on it, they act like they are the victim.

People like that should be punted into the sun. Along with that overstuffed shell of a human that is our <barfs in mouth a little> last president.

That's why they are acting the way they are now. They can't handle the fact that we actually have a guy who is getting shit done instead of whining about it in broken sentences on twitter all day.

They can all go fuck themselves. Joe's got more done in 6 months than that bloviating asshole got done in 4 years and we still have 3 1/2 more years to go. All they can do is attack, whine, bitch and moan.

I have a feeling that that shit isn't going to work anymore.