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08/20/01 10:59 PM

#11455 RE: Francois+Goelo #11454

Are you really so insecure as to believe that anyone who challenges you must either work for McBride or be related to him? It's no wonder people don't respect you! I try, but it's becoming very difficult.


08/21/01 12:00 AM

#11465 RE: Francois+Goelo #11454

FG, you attacking me again along with zagdad...

Amazing how much you violate the same TOS that you used to abuse other bashers in the last 6 months. I am glad Matt is watching this closely because I don't appreciate the attacks in your posts. Come on, how many people here are family member/employee??? Did you think I would miss that?!?! I read every word of every post from every person that doesn't get deleted.

JMHO, Adam Jordan


08/21/01 12:35 AM

#11474 RE: Francois+Goelo #11454

F&G, hmmm, am I a member of the family, a Cronie, or an employee? Sorry never met Rich - sorry about that but timing on a visit I did make a visit once to meet George, see the products, and personnally gauge the attitudes, direction, chances of success, etc. did not allow for a meeting. I'm older so I've eliminated Rich as my father. The offices that I'm aware of are thousands of miles away so no job...Truth is, I'm here because you introduced me to them ...Hmmmm, hope you did well on the run to the 20's! And I've stayed 'cause I'm counting on SEVU to make retirement a joy.

I will say that my visit, view of the products, meeting with George ... all very positive and I feel success awaits. I will look forward to all the details on the PP as it is one of the few things that I would like to see some change to but depending on who, what, when, etc. there are some very obvious answers that would not make this situation nearly as sinister as you continually paint it. I hope there are options in the deal that allow for necessary funds to be raised at the best benefit to the company and us, its shareholders. I hope current management is getting that message and when we get the detail it will be understandable and tolerable as worst.

You have lost all fairness and objectivity, ignore very obvious answers and alternatives on many of the issues, and have turned this to a personnal vendetta - one of the very reason that you hearded many of us over to this IH Boarded back a ways was to escape such activity.

Only I have now come to realize that I guess you don't have as open/above board business objectives as you front and profess to share with your disciples but that you do have personnal plans that you would like us to join you on without question whenever and whatever - sorry some of us actually try to see all sides.

Wonder if anyone has a counter on your messages to see if you are challenging any other recent Board records for posts in a short period.

Sorry for the long posts - too much thinking.

I'll be happy if we sell a bunch of those cameras - and soon!!
If that doesn't happen then I'll be a surprised, unhappy camper.



08/21/01 8:49 AM

#11482 RE: Francois+Goelo #11454


I'll answer that, First No I don't think that PR was misleading at all. If you have half a brain or are not looking to bury a company with eyes closed it was plainly clear that the message was that the sales and profits had increased x%. not that there was positive income.

2nd, I think Rich has every obligation to file those forms. Unless there is some loophole that he knows about and possibly you do too (but won't say as it buries your case).

I am not one of his "cronies" and am certainly not McBride.

And as far as examining motivations, where should you be throwing that stone?