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09/09/21 3:32 PM

#157272 RE: gimmee greenbacks #157269


IF there were, we would know.
IF there were we would see revenue.
Schools are already back in session, RXAIR obviously did NOT win the RFP. Ask anyone else here that deals with RFP's and they will confirm that.

The Rotmans said they were "holding" inventory, instead of selling it, months ago now in HOPES of winning an RFP.

Financials tell the story. The Rotmans are not holding back some great big Zip Code changing PR. They have nothing. 3 years of dangling carrots that NEVER come true.

Heck, they can't even sell the last of Vytex foam they have in mattresses, pillows, and toppers. Even with the added benefit of having their own furniture store.


09/09/21 7:53 PM

#157278 RE: gimmee greenbacks #157269

Simple any material event like being awarded a big contract would have to be announced within 4 days with an 8k.
Not to mention anything that could inflate the share price Greg would be screaming from the rooftop.
I deal with RFP’s every single week. Federal Government, state, large businesses and schools. I bid jobs all the time. They are normally awarded within 1 week of the due date and announced publicly. They are all sealed bid’s which are opened and read the day of award which is normally within 1 week.


09/09/21 9:22 PM

#157283 RE: gimmee greenbacks #157269

Are we serious? LOL. Common sense and observation might be it. Smh.