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Jimmy Joe

09/07/21 10:51 PM

#73017 RE: PennyPiranha #73015

No.... it is a given. No pump here. Not a need to pump or pimp. This isn't even about the business which some folks keep bringing up. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with how the movies are doing, how much popcorn the "popcorn guy" is selling. Absolutely nothing at all to do with anything $AMC other than the FACT that the company has a massive amount of cash and can sustain itself for a couple of years just on that.

Those that shorted due to the pandemic are screwed, blued, and eventually gonna be tattooed. How many synthetic, counterfeit, fail to deliver shares are there? 5 billion? 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12........billion? FACT nobody knows for sure, but they have been making synthetics since January...... All those that bought are holding FTDs.... or fake shares.

Take a look at $GME...... what does that company have going on? Business model sucks..... but like $AMC, $GME share price isn't about the business model..... it's about what the HFs/Banks have done to the company, and that their plan for both $GME and $AMC has been exposed.
Capitulate the companies and walk away with tax free money. Always been about that since December of 2020.

So this has nothing to do with a pump. It has nothing to do with revenue $AMC is making. Revenue doesn't matter...... never has. $AMC already had enough in the coffers to last until about 2023. Think the shorts can hold out that long? On all the crapola they created?

It is happening now..... just sit back and grab your popcorn.... relax and wait. Just starting...... Fridays and Mondays........ relax......

No pump..... and for those who claim this share price is topped out?
You'll only wish it was...... and I hope ya sell at $60 and move on.


$AMC baby~!