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09/07/21 11:57 AM

#373348 RE: Patientspeople #373346

Maybe the ceo is at club Med? Whilst we watch bloodshed in mid September


09/07/21 12:14 PM

#373354 RE: Patientspeople #373346

Yup, blame Leo, as though he doesn't have a muzzle on him now to make sure the trial is not tainted in any way with early release of info. He might have info re: data lock but certainly not results.
Irrational statement to blame him for current quiet period.

Who do you feel can hold the FDA accountable? Two top FDA employees quit last week due to White House overriding the FDA authority and that is about as accountable as it can get. Stockholders and individual companies certainly can't make a dent in the armor of the FDA. Again irrational statement.

SI 426, great safety profile, drug actually kills the virus so no way it will cease to work just in this trial so "if this hits" is irrational as well, it should state "when this hits" as the magnitude of this science cannot and will not be held back.

LOL - was you moniker supposed to be "patience" people?


09/07/21 4:11 PM

#373413 RE: Patientspeople #373346

I read elsewhere that Leo should not PR today and tomorrow because may people will miss it due to Rosh Hashanah. This might be true if the majority of US population are Jewish.

What the heck is going on around here… MIA Leo where are you???