NO SUCH LEGAL TERM or process or action exists aka "SEC GAGGED" LMFAO ????
THIS POS CRIME aka NWGC-a-FRAUD does not even have a current OTC profile = they can't file a Post It Note and have NO BACK-END OTC-IQ access LOL !!!
The "SEC" has ZERO to do with "alternative filer" BULLSHIT SHELL THEFT SCAMS such as NWGC-a-CRIME other than to bust them -
Which they've done with the founder Mark Allen Miller. Other than that - the OTC MARKETS is who processes and files "altnerative filer" POS scams like NWGC-a-CRAP IF IF IF the non existent NO "CEO" and NO Sr Mgt VAPOR-WARE INC crime was to even "try" to file Bwaaaaah hah ha ha ha ha.
Here is what is going to happen with this shell theft crime gone bad - NOTHING but BANNED ON THE BUY-SIDE at every N. American brokerage on the planet -
THEN ON SEPT 28th aka 15 short business days from today NWGC-a-FRAUD IS SEC SUSPENDED FOR ETERNITY by omnibus sweep order of 100's of DEAD TICKER SCAMS - it instantly goes as DEAD AS DRIED CONCRETE and will CEASE TO BE QUOTED (no inside Bid or Ask ) will exist and then .0000X per share THEE END.
ONCE A SCAM TICKER such as NWGC-a-CRIME goes DEAD via suspension - it will NEVER TRADE AGAIN and isn't even worth a shell sale as under new SEC LAW with loss of 211 MM sponsorship these scams are GONNERS - no more "piggyback rule" or any other methods left to get back to "trading status" - read up on it and THE FACTS is my suggestion :)
There is no "company" NWGC-a-CRIME and no CEO and NO BOD and no "Sr mgt" of ANY KIND - and the corp as filed in FL is 100% fraudulent and that was exposed in the final court filings and that is how this criminal scam dies in 20 short business days from today :)
color=red]ANYONE holding this trash now is in for a 100% TOTAL LOSS on Sept 28th and them are the facts of the case - and they are indisputable !![/color]
SELL AND DUMP NOW - or this POS when frozen won't even be worth the POS tax loss write off LMFAO !!!
It's like the fraud loaded beast and crime of NWGC-a-CON killed itself by DUMB CON IDIOCRACY and failure to know when to quit the crime -
DON'T TO THE CRIME....IF YOU CAN'T DO THE TIME = Mark Allen Miller and Bob Honigford Bum-F MN and Bum-F Ohio un-respectively :)