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09/03/21 3:57 PM

#435419 RE: moxa1 #435416

Horowitz: CDC endorsed use of ivermectin … for Afghan refugees!

By Daniel Horowitz
September 03, 2021

"I have long been convinced that Nature has all the solutions we need to solve our past ... that will be the primary source of the treasures and solutions that we seek." ~Professor Satashi Omura, Nobel co-laureate for the discovery of ivermectin

Looking at 2019 CDC guidance, one has to wonder if one of the reasons why there is such a run on ivermectin is because our own government is using it. And no, not for horses, but for refugees. Yet these same government agencies are running a blood libel-style smear campaign against the drug and its users by misleading people into conflating it with a veterinarian version of the drug, leading many people to think it's some sort of poison for humans. In the process, they are leaving thousands of COVID patients without any other options for treatment.

It's not clear whether the hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees will be forced to get vaccinated like American international travelers, but one thing is clear: They will likely get the ivermectin that most Americans can no longer access. It turns out that in 2019, the CDC issued guidance for refugees from Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East to be given ivermectin pre-emptively for potential infections.

Guess who is getting IVERMECTIN before they arrive.


ht @narrtrek

The CDC advises the International Organization for Migration (IOM) physicians who screen the refugees for departure, and U.S. doctors who treat them upon arrival, to prescribe "all Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees" with ivermectin and albendazole.

"But that is for parasitic infection, not viral infection!" shouts the chorus of ignorant fools who have ignored the past 18 months of ivermectin saving countless lives. Putting this point aside for a moment, that is only a question about efficacy, not safety. Government agencies are slandering ivermectin as if it's not a safe drug and even convincing people that it's for animals. Do they consider refugees animals? The point is: People who are now getting COVID – both vaccinated and unvaccinated – are left without any options for outpatient treatment. Why would the government stand in the way of ivermectin treatment that it mass-distributes to refugees, even if the establishment bureaucrats personally believe it won't help for COVID?

To the extent the government even screens refugees for COVID, will officials suspend ivermectin treatment for a refugee who has COVID alongside a parasitic infection? After all, we are told that somehow one of the safest drugs in the history of humanity suddenly turns unsafe if you want to use it for another ailment. Or perhaps Americans can self-identify as refugees and then obtain prescriptions for this lifesaving drug. The question now is whether the rest of the media that ignored ivermectin's success for 17 months will continue to call the drug a "horse dewormer" even as it's administered to Afghan refugees.

The revelation of this CDC guidance demonstrates that ivermectin is not some obscure drug, much less an animal drug that was used one time for humans in Africa many years ago. The agency feels it is needed today in most parts of the world. To suggest that it is not safe is a scandalous lie. Perhaps doctors will have to start punching in the prescription code for abortion or suggest it's for an Afghan refugee in order to get the prescription filled:

In reality, anyone who thinks that somehow one of the safest and most successful drugs of all time cannot work for other ailments is woefully uninformed. I trust Professor Omura, the man who won the Nobel Prize for developing ivermectin for Merck, over the company itself, which now stands to benefit from an expensive drug it is developing, with which the cheap ivermectin, which is off patent, would interfere.

In March, Omura wrote in the Japanese Journal of Antibiotics that he hopes "ivermectin will be utilized as a countermeasure for COVID-19 as soon as possible." Ten years ago, Omura observed: "Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities, provided that they have had some very basic, appropriate training."

Any sampling of the internet will reveal a unique degree of reverence for this drug among all of the (pre-political) literature on ivermectin. For example, in 2017, Nature's Journal of Antibiotics observed the following about the fact that ivermectin held promise outside use just as an-antiparasitic agent:

Today, ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.

Moreover, whereas ivermectin-resistant parasites swiftly appeared in treated animals, as well as in ectoparasites, such as copepods parasitizing salmon in fish farms, somewhat bizarrely and almost uniquely, no confirmed drug resistance appears to have arisen in parasites in human populations, even in those that have been taking ivermectin as a monotherapy for over 30 years.

As for the drug's exact mechanism of action against COVID, Dr. Ryan Cole, a brilliant Mayo Clinic-trained pathologist, listed eight different mechanisms in an exclusive interview with TheBlaze:

1. Inhibits binding at ACE2 and TMPRSS2, keeping the virus from entering our cells.

2. Blocks alpha/beta importin (the virus cell taxi), keeping it from getting to the nucleus.

3. Blocks the viral replicase zipper (RdRp).

4. 3-Chimotrypsin protease inhibition (keeps the virus from assembling).

5. Ivermectin strengthens our natural antiviral cell activity by increasing our natural interferon production (this counters SARSCOV2 activity, which inhibits cellular interferon).

6. Decreases IL-6 and other inflammatory cytokines through NF Kappa Beta downregulation, taking the patient from a cytokine storm to calm.

7. Binds NSP14, necessary for viral replication, and blocks it (equals less virus).

8. Most important mechanism is inhibiting binding to CD147 receptor on red cells, platelets, lung, and blood cell lining. Ivermectin keeps the virus from binding here and decreases deadly clotting.

For those who want a more detailed explanation of each of these mechanisms, Dr. Cole has provided me with important links and videos, which I posted together in this twitter thread:

So, the next time you hear any media figures refer to ivermectin as an animal medicine, just remember that they are regarding people from three continents as something less than human. And now, they are treating every American – increasingly those who are also vaccinated – as subhuman beings who don't deserve any treatment until it is too late.


09/07/21 1:55 PM

#435463 RE: moxa1 #435416

Paul Craig Roberts: The Powerful Case Against Covid mRNA Vaccine

By Paul Craig Roberts
September 7, 2021


Gibraltar has had a 99% vaccination rate since June 1. The consequence has been a 2,500 percent daily increase in Covid cases. As the vaccine is useless, why the push for mandatory vaccination and Covid passports? It makes no public health sense.


Fauci: “a pandemic of the unvaccinated”

Walensky: “a pandemic of the unvaccinated”

German Health Minister: “a pandemic of the unvaccinated”

Notice how the shills speak identical words on cue every day.

There are two reasons for Covid infections. One is the mRNA vaccine which spreads Covid.

The other is the refusal of the Western medical establishment to prevent and treat Covid with HCQ or Ivermectin.

The massive outbreak of new Covid cases in the most vaccinated countries–Israel 84%, Iceland 95%, Gibraltar 99%–has made it completely clear that the mRNA vaccine does not protect against Covid infection. Fauci, a life-long shill for Big Pharma, is delighted. His solution to the failure of the “vaccine” (it is not a vaccine) is more vaccine. Booster shots are needed, he says, every 5 to 8 months to keep Covid at bay. In other words profits forever for Big Pharma.

But the failure of the mRNA vaccine is far more serious than the failure to protect. The vaccine itself (1) causes illnesses and deaths identical to Covid illnesses and deaths as the massive number of deaths and health injuries in the adverse vaccine reaction databases indicate, (2) the “vaccine” creates variants capable of escaping immune response, and (3) the vaccinated are contagious and dangerous to the unvaccinated.

In other words, the so-called breakthrough cases that are now overwhelming the most vaccinated countries are caused by vaccination. To continue jabbing people risks such death and injury and counterproductive totalitarian policies as to lead to societal collapse.

This is the conclusion of a number of top scientists and medical authorities who are far superior in their knowledge than Big Pharma shills like Fauci and Walensky and the completely stupid American media who keep repeating “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” when the outbreaks are centered among the vaccinated in the most vaccinated countries.

We have to ask if it is possible even for American journalists to be as stupid as they present themselves to be, or are they being paid to lie? We know that Fauci and Walensky benefit from vaccine profits. Somehow this conflict of interest does not enter public discussion. Where are the indictments for Fauci and Walensky?

Indeed, all facts are censored, suppressed, and kept out of public discussion. That is the function of “social media,” CNN, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post and the rest of the presstitutes.

The “Covid crisis” is from start to finish a manufactured crisis. The purpose of the mRNA vaccine is to worsen the crisis, which will lead to more counterproductive measures that threaten not merely freedom but life itself.

It has been proven in India and Africa that Ivermectin used as a preventative prevents Covid outbreaks, and Ivermectin has been proven as a cure by the success of many doctors who have used Ivermectin to cure their patients of Covid. Ivermectin is a safe and effective cure.

If you need more evidence of Ivermectin’s effectiveness beyond the chart with which this article begins, here is the Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association announcing in a press conference that Ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for Covid infection and recommending that all doctors in Japan immediately begin using Ivermectin to treat Covid patients:

See also:

Yet Western public medical authorities–not Japanese, Indian, and African– and presstitutes continue to lie through their teeth that Ivermectin is unsafe. Do they tell this lie just for profits, or is a darker agenda afoot?

HCQ is another proven preventative and cure and it also is demonized as dangerous. HCQ needs to be taken early when symptoms first appear. Ivermectin is effective also at later stages of the virus.

If you come down with Covid and have co-morbidities or a compromised immune system, do not go to a hospital. They will put you on a ventilator and kill you. You will not get treatment with known safe and effective cures. Instead go to Japan, or India, or any of the African countries marked in blue in the opening chart, or cross the border into Mexico and purchase Ivermectin formulated for humans over the counter from a pharmacy. In the US try to get in contact with Frontline Doctors who are overwhelmed with pleas for help from Americans totally abandoned by the American Medical Establishment.

It is only in the English speaking countries, the US, Western Europe, and in Israel that the population is unable to get effective and safe treatment for Covid infection. These are the betrayed people who are being infected again and again with deadly mRNA “vaccine.” The insane Israeli “Covid Czar” is advocating a 4th booster shot of the identical vaccine that has caused tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of health injuries, the same vaccine that has filled Israeli hospitals with fully vaccinated patients. In the US the Big Pharma shill Fauci says it will be booster shots every 8 months. This means endless adverse reactions to the “vaccine” and endless appearance of new “variants.” But it means endless profits for Big Pharma, and that is all that is important.

The Covid policy being implemented in the West has no logic and no basis in any known facts. What is going on?

Doctors and scientists have reported the effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin, which have such safe records of use over decades that in countries not controlled by pharmaceutical companies they are available for over-the-counter purchase just like aspirin. Yet the corrupt American medical establishment declares the proven preventatives and cures to be “unsafe,” and the mRNA vaccine that is spreading Covid is declared to be the answer.

What is the agenda? Clearly, it is not the health of the public. Obviously, they want more variants, more Covid cases, more deaths and health injuries with which to scare the sheep, sell more vaccine, and impose more violations of civil liberty.

How can it be that in “free and democratic America” truth and facts are excluded from the discussion and have no impact on Covid policy? How can it be that the leading scientists and medical practitioners who issue warnings against the growing vaccine catastrophe are censored and threatened with losing their medical licenses and employment? What is happening in America is worse than what happened to Soviet geneticists under Lysenko.

Indeed, the ideologue Fauci is America’s Lysenko. Under Lysenko’s rule, Soviet agriculture was destroyed and millions starved to death. The real scientists who understood that Lysenko was a crank paid with their lives and careers. 3,000 mainstream biologists were dismissed or imprisoned. In the campaign to suppress scientific opponents other scientists were executed. The president of the Agriculture Academy was sent to prison where he died, while Soviet genetics research was destroyed. Research and teaching in the field of other biological disciplines, such as cell biology and neurophisiology, deemed inconsistent with the Lysenko narrative were banned.

This is what is happening today in America, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Real experts are discredited, and in their place we have CNN and other Big Pharma shills.

How can it be that in the midst of Covid infection disinformation is intentionally spread online by such sites as Coronavirus World Updates? In my opinion, Coronavirus World Updates is an Internet lie sheet sponsored by greed-driven Big Pharma for the purpose of spreading disinformation in order to discourage people from seeking out and obtaining effective treatment for Covid infection.

On September 4 the scare hype from the disinformation site was a fake story picked up from Rolling Stone magazine about the danger of Ivermectin, one of the safest medicines known taken weekly in most of Africa as a preventative and treatment for River Blindness. The dishonest article, which had to be retracted ( ), quoted a doctor who blamed Ivermectin for people overdosing themselves by taking dosages formulated for large animals such as horses. It turns out that the doctor made up the entire story.

People cannot get safe and effective treatment for Covid, because an incompetent and corrupt medical system will only vaccinate, refuses to treat Covid infection with appropriate doses of HCQ or Ivermectin, spreads fake stories to scare people away from successful treatment, and seeks to take away the medical licenses of the doctors who are actually saving lives.

One wonders how much the doctor was paid by Big Pharma for his fake story.

It wasn’t only Rolling Stone and Coronavirus World Updates that reported the fake story. The entirety of the prestitute media was involved:

Why do the presstitutes work with Big Pharma, Fauci and Walensky to deceive people, prevent them from safe treatment, and cause death and injury to large numbers of people? Here is a Big Pharma shill setting you up for booster shots:

Is it the smell of incompetence or the smell of evil that rises from the American medical profession and its presstitute shills?

If “our medical authorities” don’t succeed in stamping out our lives with the mRNA vaccine, they obviously have something else waiting to unleash to do the job:

It turns out that the director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is not a doctor, but he is a friend and protege of Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, who intends to impose on the world, using the orchestrated Covid fear, the “Great Reset,” which means the termination of life as humanity has known it. Here the two are together:

Let’s close this column with factual information from Doctors for Covid Ethics:

If you want to ruin your health and perhaps terminate your life, take the death shot.

Alternatively, organize. Demand accountability for Biden, Fauci, Walensky, Big Pharma, and the presstitute media. These sordid criminals have massive numbers of deaths and permanent health injuries on their greed-driven hands. These are the people who should be indicted, tried, convicted, and executed for mass murder and mass injury.

But there is little prospect of this happening. Instead, the people will be murdered and injured for profit. That is always the fate of sheeple who in their stupidity trust “authorities.”

Despite all the evidence that mRNA vaccines fail to protect against Covid infections, cause massive adverse health effects, and create variants that escape immune response, a massive number of health care providers and employers are requiring inoculation as a condition of employment.

The Becker Hospital Review provides a list of the health care providers who mandate inoculation with the dangerous jab as a condition of employment and as a requirement for patients who seek treatment for any illness:

These dumbshit employers do not have the necessary IQ to be able to function in the world. They are so totally stupid that they do not realize that it is only the vaccine companies, not them, that have immunity from liability for harm from the emergency use authorized vaccine. If these employers mandate vaccination, or universities do so for their students, they are liable for injuries and deaths caused by the mandated “vaccine.”

The hospitals are doubly stupid. There is already a shortage of experienced nurses. Now large numbers are quitting or being fired for having too much sense to take the jab after seeing the adverse consequences of Covid vaccination. This problem is not limited to the US. For example, UK health care workers leave industry en masse after being told to get vax or quit–

Healthy people face a minuscule threat of death or serious injury from Covid. Vulnerable people with co-morbidities can be safely and securely put on preventative doses of Ivermectin or HCQ. There is no reason, other than pure negligence of the medical profession, for vulnerable people to even catch Covid. There is certainly no reason for them to die because the medical profession withholds treatment with known cures.

It is astonishing that people in Africa subject to River Blindness and malaria are a hundred times safer from Covid than Americans and Western Europeans.

What a joke the Western world is. Little wonder it is in a state of collapse.