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09/01/21 3:20 PM

#72258 RE: slimhere #72252

Haha love it. Rich and wealthy do protect each other, but they also hate each other at the same time. Being a multi billionaire turns one into an egotistical individual with narcissistic personality disorder. I believe in the end they will get thrown under the bus to save face. They know their time is up and that if this don’t happen there will be a massive uprising like never before be sure unlike politics where they cause constant division and fighting among different groups with different ideological believes along the the lines of race, gender, sexual orientation and all that, the people are United as a whole on this issue and are a force to be reckoned with. I don’t care if you’re a MAGA man or love uncle Stalin, they cannot divide us on this issue. And it’s a worldwide movement. I’m just excited to be a part of the largest wealth transfer in the history of this country. And when it happens it’s gonna be beautiful. Even Rome fell. No one is too big to fail. And they are realizing more each day that “dumb money” is going to take them to the cleaners. How much time can they buy themselves to do damage control? That’s the only real question here.