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3X Charm

08/29/21 7:50 PM

#181447 RE: KCRoyal2004 #181444

My original point was that RTFs are rare, and they are at 4% of submissions. Most companies pick up on the communication from FDA and pull the submission BEFORE getting the RTF. I then said that once an RTF is generated, the odds of getting approval are more difficult, which once again is correct at 61% failure rate.

The BLA has not been resubmitted and there is no guarantee it will be. The first packet submitted has already been kicked back to the company. Nader has never been on time and CYDY is running out of money. It is not data mining to match the historical stats on RTFs with the actual status of the submission ( not resubmitted).

The data mining claim attributed to my analysis would only be accurate IF CYDY HAD fully resubmitted the BLA, but that has not happened and I don’t think we can assume that will actually happen.

To be fair your point is taken that “statistically “, the odds flip on the average, IF resubmission occurs. That has not yet happened and does not include handicapping for hapless management.

Fact check… 3x not data mining because statistics cited match the current status. I will grudgingly admit that you were not attempting to data mine, just presenting data. That is the most quarter ever given.