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08/28/21 1:28 PM

#202083 RE: MrTrader129 #202081

I've been reporting those patent actions, and have recently decided to stop, when it became apparent that Turner chose not to pay the small fees to continue the patent processes and the European MM patent that was approved.

The patents in process can be revived. It's unknown if the games Turner has been playing to avoid responsibility to shareholders can be used to activate the MM patent. That one doesn't look promising on the surface.

I'm not getting out for those reasons. I'm waiting for the SDNY and Chancery Court Decisions.


08/28/21 3:03 PM

#202086 RE: MrTrader129 #202081

Yes..I guess John Kirkland's promise to not inject one shekel into the company were true...maybe the only thing he hasn't lied about..In any was mentioned previously here...during the whole time that Mr. Turner was ousted from the company and the many months that passed with Mr. Kugelman at the helm...the company did absolutely nothing to keep those patents alive and updated.

If they ever had any interest in turning the company into a billion dollar cannabis pharma operation..I must have missed it...

Instead, Mr. Turner is blamed...oh..and one shouldn't forget that during the time Mr. Turner was in control the company was flat broke...I recall I think that DGF forwarded 200k to OW..the company so the company could comply with the previous court order..and they complied with everything they could....they ran 2 votes..both of which failed....which if successful would have allowed the company to continue as a going concern..but that didn't happen.

Even if as suggested filings were ready, there would have been absolutely no point in serving them the company was no longer a going concern and was insolvent and twice shareholders rejected increasing the shares or performing a reverse split.

DGF's other option after taking control of the company and ousting Mr. Turner would have been to reorganize the company and amend the articles of incorporation...which would have allowed them to modify the share structure allowing them to then convert their remaining 366 preferred shares and would have netted them millions at the expense of shareholders...and of course when they were done they would disappear.

So why didn't they do this?

That would have cost DGF money.

So I find it quite hilarious that statements are still be made assigning this whole mess to Mr. Turner.

I wouldn't be surprised if many shareholders are completely confused as to who has the ball.

It seems where DGF and Mr. Kirkland is concerned, it all depends on how he feels...and every day is a new day and a new opportunity for him... to dream up another scheme to ultimately get what he wants...which is nothing more than to convert and dump on the backs of shareholders.

He just hasn't figured it out himself as to which side of the fence he's on.

99.9, more than 4.99 but less than 9.99...Turner's out Kugelman is in...

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see through all the lame bs Mr. Kirkland has slung and it's only a matter of a little more time until this nonsense is laid to rest.

Things are about to be finalized here in Israel with regards to the appointed trustee, the dissolving of the company and the selling off of anything of value in order to compensate former employees and creditors.

The insolvency judge in Israel told Mr. Turner during the first hearing on March 23/21 that he cannot represent employees and that he would have to go back and refile as an individual himself and have each former employee apply as an individual..... On July 5/21 that same judge ruled that the two parties, Mr. Turner and DGF had 3 weeks to come to an understanding and agreement.... and DGF made overtures to both Baruch and Sinai to get back pay... Why would DGF have made that offer if they weren't in control?

Either they are or they aren't... chose one...

They then went back on their word and refused the back pay they had offered and this all turned out to be nothing more than DGF trying to delay the hearing in Israel and the judge saw through this and now a trustee has been appointed to supervise the final act of OW in Israel.

Everything that is happening stateside is nothing more than DGF desperately trying anything and everything to stop what will happen.

It's game over... SDNY/Chancery..all bs..and if DGF continues to push this nonsense they are only going to get in more trouble than they are currently in...through their own stupidity.

They had the opportunity to walk away with a few million dollars in profit...that wasn't enough for them....

Mr. Turner has not responded because he is not in control and hasn't been for months.

Not a word has been spoken about what DGF has had the option to do during the whole time Kugelman was running things..or so we thought...but nobody is sure...and he bolted no longer wanting to be tied to DGF and John Kirkland.

I have known Mr. Turner for quite a while. He has never lied, been less than truthful with me and others and as a matter of fact he has been true to his word as to how this would all play out...and it has....and I fully expect this to be done and over in short order.

It's disgusting that he is vilified and called out falsely with absolutely no evidence to unequivocally prove what these assertions being made are...just ignorant statements slung about with no proof.

Why is John Kirkland not being called out...why isn't Mr. Kugelman being called out? Why is this all directed at Mr. Turner when it has been proven both through filings and legal action that he no longer has anything to do with the company?

Either the filings put forth by DGF are legit or they aren't?

Which is it?

It seems even John Kirkland doesn't know and this spooked Mr. Kugelman and he said bye bye.

Regardless, new SEC rules will shut this ticker down very soon.

It's over and anyone holding shares will soon end up with worthless garbage thanks entirely to DGF and Mordechai Bignitz.

This was never about what Ziv Turner did or didn't do as some would have you believe.

DGf isn't the bad guy one made Bignitz sign on the dotted line...

But DGF had many options and wouldn't come to the table and negotiate fairly with Mr. Turner when he came back and was in control.

People forget that the company was about to go dark and be shut down.

If anything Mr. Turner worked to bring the company back to life but he he never got cooperation from John Kirkland and DGF.

This conveniently along with other important facts is ignored.

Everything we are seeing today from DGF is their own fault and they have committed some serious breaches both ethically and financially because of their bull headed refusal to negotiate.


08/31/21 9:18 AM

#202108 RE: MrTrader129 #202081

I did, too bad that I had 100k in losses. Sad to see some still defending this circus.

Soon to be relegated to greys, with no liquidity, OWCP is nothing else but DONE.


09/01/21 7:20 PM

#202118 RE: MrTrader129 #202081

OWCP's been obvious scam for years. Anyone surprised?

Like finding out the "Rolex" the crack addict is selling is fake....geeee...shocker.