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08/30/21 12:59 PM

#220 RE: Watts Watt #215

“Investors agree; gamblers do not;
Although both find nothing in their pot.

But those with pipes filled with pot,
end up with nothing but ashes and rot.”

Thanks for the commentary that we find true of Crestwood investors!

Heading deeper into the red zone!!!


08/30/21 1:24 PM

#222 RE: Watts Watt #215

“The problem is, shares are not cheap.
Buy now when the prices is too steep?
All here know by now,
I never ask, "How now, brown cow",
Less I be shorn like that of Little Bo Peep.”

Yes totally agree the price of CEQP is way too steep to purchase now in the midst of this pandemic. Wait until they fall back to $14 per share.

This stock will continue to crash and crumble under the ongoing news of the pandemic.

Let the restrictions begin: