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08/27/21 12:24 PM

#229026 RE: InfoLingo #229023

Oooh... 'Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive' means that when you lie or act dishonestly you are initiating problems and a domino structure of complications which eventually run out of control. The quote is from Scott's epic poem, Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field.


08/27/21 12:25 PM

#229027 RE: InfoLingo #229023

<< I find it hard to believe scholars like these would want to blemish their resume` with fraudulent companies. >>

That is a ridiculous argument.

First, most workers don't know when a company is a scam. They just do their work and collect a paycheck.

For example, take Enron. Enron had about 29,000 employees before they went under (due to the fact that they were scamming people). How many of them knew it was a scam?

Arthur Anderson was also ruined by the Enron scam. They had another 28,000 employees. How many of them knew that the company was participating in a scam?

And that is just one scam out of 1000s.

Another example is Theranos. Theranos had about 800 employees. How many of them knew it was a scam.

Second, Dr Kane is no longer working for KBLB. Why is that? It could be because he found out that the whole thing was a scam.


08/27/21 12:51 PM

#229031 RE: InfoLingo #229023

If anyone tries to include any IP in whole or part of our application, they would get a cease and desist letter. Proceeding guarantees an infringement suit at patent granting.


08/27/21 1:23 PM

#229034 RE: InfoLingo #229023



08/27/21 1:57 PM

#229038 RE: InfoLingo #229023

"My guess is they know exactly where this will end up the patent states....ROYALTIES are coming."

So well stated, Info. Anyone who is on the fence about KBLB should read this. GO KBLB!