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08/25/21 8:01 PM

#371967 RE: MinnieM #371958

Hah, thanks, I had just read that 5 minutes before I saw this post. The Chinese spy (technology "gathering") rings and biowarfare program are not very well hidden.

In any event of where it came from and whether the article is correct (I have my doubts, as I think one lab said they couldn't replicate the findings), SARS2 will continue mutating, but should eventually become less virulent and peter out the more people are infected. Herd immunity can't be too far away. Delta seems like it is or will be waning here in the US very soon, even if there are quite a few hotspots still.

In the meantime, hopefully we get good brilacidin results very soon for those still struggling with Covid (hearing of some more kids getting it, and a fully vaccinated 43 y.o. die from it), or for the next CoV or EEV outbreak.

Thanks to whoever shared the article(s) and video on the peptoids from Maxwell Biopharma, nitrogen backbone "foldamer" defensin mimetics analagous to our "aryl amide" foldamer magainin mimetic, brilacidin.

Peptoids (like the one that mimics LL-37) seem much more versatile, easier to design (with building blocks that link together) and with great potential, but less proven in humans than our HDP mimetic.

The key to disrupting viral envelopes and bacterial membranes (and cancer cells) seems to be the relative negative charges they have, but our cells don't, such that the cationic small molecule defensin mimetic drugs can kill the bad guys, not the good guys.