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08/23/21 3:10 AM

#85112 RE: Timetravelerdos #85111

Optec sells Mexican masks avaliable at Mexican Costco
5 masks for $25 from Optec... or
50 masks for $81 plus tax ($1599 pesos)


08/23/21 7:27 AM

#85113 RE: Timetravelerdos #85111

The two companies combined now having approximately 20 orders averaging roughly $20,000 per order on any given business day. During August, that has more than doubled and is expected to get even busier in the fall and winter entering into 2022.

$20,000 x 5 bus. days=$100,000 wk, $100,000 X 4wk in month=$400,000 a month on top of their normal revenue