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08/21/21 12:36 PM

#371301 RE: petemantx #371295

Big pharma companies are constantly looking for new drugs that will make them billions. It’s reassuring to know that we as investors in Ipix and CTIX are far smarter than big pharma getting in so early. Sort of amazing that with all their PhD mba and jd degrees they haven’t purchased Brilacidin, even 18 months into the worlds greatest pandemic. Ignorant fools the whole lot of them! I suspect this has something to do with conspiracies in a cabal of the top pharma companies all meeting at a Queens NY bowling alley this past summer. Google it. And to think big Pharma doesn’t want us to succeed! Go ipix!!! Email
Rand Paul to get him to send a tweet to America today on Ipix we can use the hashtag campaign:


You can credit me Hugon with the #freeipix campaign when it’s trending on Twitter and Reddit and ipix is at $20/share in 120