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01/27/07 9:52 AM

#17456 RE: sanddollar #17454

He started out, when he came back, with his old IGITS act, and has gradually mellowed, and became wistful and even poetic.

Can it be that MP has lost his nerve? Reading this board, (which one may safely assume that he does,) over the past month, has not given him any reason to be bold. In fact, it has been enough to make him quiver in his boots.

Outer layers of the big breadbox has been peeled off, and the rest of the story made dimly visible. But visible enough, perhaps, to sap the strength from whatever bold manuever was planned re the new shares. Turn on the lights, and roaches scurry.

Can it be that "mr. screwart" has seen that there is not much to be made by hanging onto the Phillips coat-tails? That the swarm of crooks circling around like gnats on a hounds anus
around CDEX have been chilled out??

There has been some very formidable people here doing Googling and other research.

Can it be that CDEX will just fade away?

Closer and Jenn seem to think that the TECH is still "great"
and will result in good things if onle the correct people can be found to lead the parade. I think NOT.. It is just ordinary but esteric stuff, as DIDDY et al says.

And besides, they have no money..only shares.