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08/15/21 5:02 PM

#124694 RE: Bonno #124693

And it is the same plant right? At least that is what the activists keep telling me. Just its conditions make the cannabinoid levels and plants have always been bred for their characteristics. Your French slaves were growing hemp if it was for textiles. The stalk is long and makes a smooth uninterrupted fibre. Great for textiles and ropes. Maybe you are confused. Cannabis grown for bud is bred to branch off to make multiple tops for the buds to form. Good weed plants make crappy yarn. I am a spinner so this is of great interest to me. Hemp fibre was used for everything from sails to rope because it is extremely strong and resists rot it gets stronger when wet. Perfect for maritime uses at if they are growing the plant for food they will manage it so it branches out and makes many more seed heads to be harvested for the most nutritious seed there is. It has 8 of the nine essential fatty acids we require for good health that our bodiss are unable to manufacture for itself
The same plant managed differently gives different outcomes. The buds of the flowers keep growing if they are not pollinated which gives your smokeable varieties in all their wonderful varieties crossbred and grown for different characteristics. It truly is a magical and magnificent plant. There is enough for everyone depending on their interests. :) I also enriches poor soil so it leaves the land in better shape where it is grown. Truly nature's gift. I have enjoyed this chat it brings back lots of good memories :)