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Dragon Lady

08/15/21 11:44 AM

#52143 RE: Screwdriverx #52139

Funny thing I have owned 2 businesses that I founded right after college. So I may know what Im talking about. My petty cash account is bigger than his quarter REVS LMAO.

Exactly !!

AND as one who has owned and operated several REAL "businesses" (small, medium or even larger) where it's live or die if one can't "come up with the cash" or "pay the bills when due" or "make a payroll" or "have a product anyone wants to buy at a price point that generates a real profit" etc - it's common common common rudimentary knowledge to live by terms such as :


CASH IN must exceed CASH OUT or we're insolvent and then BK

REVENUES are not everything - it's FAILURE TO CONTROL and "Size" EXPENSES to the revenues in, THAT USUALLY KILLS MOST BUSINESSES

IF I don't have cash as a REAL BUSINESS - I do not have some magic DILUTION TREE to go and soak to fake-play that I really am "in business" when in fact I'm INSOLVENT AND BK and I'd know it and my accountant would certainly know it within a week of being DIRE CONDITION RED !

And on and on and on and on.....

DILUTION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION for INNER-SCAM as they sure as hell are NOT operating a "real business" -

I have many very good and very dear immigrant (legal immigrant) friends who run small businesses and live "up on the hill" and now "golf at the country club on Tues and Thurs" and their automobiles and homes are paid for cash, as are their kid's college educations being first gen to go to college, etc -

AND THEY with what would be a "high school education" so called, per American standards can tell a person ALMOST DOWN TO THE PENNY when their real business(es) are MAKING MONEY or LOSING MONEY and what their monthly overhead costs and "expense line" are DOWN TO THE DOLLAR EACH MONTH and if their key supplies or cost of goods went up by so much as a nickel, etc.

They LIVE THEIR BUSINESSES as do all REAL small business owners and can tell one the CASH LINE and BALANCE SHEET and "health" of their business in a nano second - off the top of their head, never needing to even "open a file" or "check their accountant" etc.

THAT is called "running and managing a real business" - which ain't the gig and scam the Moore mores are operating here as this con show scam !

Inking and signing and cashing ENDLESS TOXIC CONVERTIBLE DEBT GUTTER NOTES while cashing the never ending checks for bottom dragger financing loans to PRINT and DILUTE BILLIONS OF SHARES ENDLESSLY - a freaking 60 IQ monkey (aka Matty aka THE PUNK) can do that and it sure as hell is NOT "running a business" let alone "managing a business" correctly !!


*INND was founded on fraud. In 2017 the Moores lost their license due to a scam that took advantage of veterans and the elderly.

*The Moores set up a puppet company with their college dropout son as "CEO" aka Matty aka THE PUNK to continue their scam under the OTC Act.

*The do not have a research team or an exclusive, proprietary product. Instead, they are simply buying off the rack Xiamen Newsound devices and reboxing. Anyone can buy the devices Innerscope is selling for $1500 off the internet for $300.

* They have a long history of promises that failed to materialize or turn a profit:

Past partnerships with Zounds, Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington, Sears, Walmart the bullshit fantasy "2019 1,000 plus Kiosks done" all except never happened and on and on and on.........


Still no BJ's.
Still no joint PR.
Still no fortune 25 company.
Still no kiosks
Still no sales or revenue.


INND-a-CON IS a PUMP AND DILUTE OTC CON n FRAUD and nothing more Moore !
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Dragon Lady

08/16/21 9:33 AM

#52171 RE: Screwdriverx #52139


The BIG NEW LIE n pump on The Twit and Twatter is the BS that, "They had $977K in derivatives income" and thus "made big money" blah blah blah LMAO !

The financial TOTAL ILLITERACY in OTC-ville is beyond mind boggling - like not even a junior college or even high school "intro to accounting 101" basics, or else they're intentionally twisting the truth to "try" and RUN THE PUMP on this dog crap scam !!

"Derivative income" = VERY OLD as in 8 to 12 months or more old TOXIC DEATH SPIRAL GUTTER NOTES aka DILUTION finally "finishing converting" and getting moved from the LIABILITY side of the accounting ledger to the "asset" side where they get booked as "income" to off-set the prior liability !!

NOT ONE CENT of anything was sold or "made revenues" to generate the bullshit fantasy "derivative income" entry as booked as "derivative income" = one of the oldest smoke n mirrors accounting gimmicks ever invented.

THAT "derivative income entry" of $977K cost shareholders AT LEAST 2.2 BILLION SHARES OF PURE DILUTION and any money from those old gutter notes was SPENT and GONE over 6 or 8 or even 12 months ago - NOT A DAMN THING was "sold" as "revenues" to generate any "DERIVATIVE INCOME" !!

It's GUTTER NOTE CONVERSIONS which is why the word DERIVATIVE is in the entry- an underlying STOCK DERIVATIVE of the convertible DEBENTURE !!

This POS CON JOB generated a GRAND TOTAL of $10K A MONTH "REAL SALES" into their bank account while SPENDING AT LEAST $100K IN REAL CASH OUT OF THEIR BANK ACCOUNT AS MASSIVE LOSSES and just salaries alone increased by $30K PER MONTH as TOTAL SALES banked were a lousy $10K = try that "business model" at home kids LMAO WTF Matty the PUNK ?????

WITHOUT ENDLESS GUTTER DILUTION - INNER SCAM is BK BUSTED BROKE and in BK COURT in less than 60 days = thems the facts per their own disaster of a Q-2 filing which I expect to be AMENDED WITHIN DAYS for numerous errors I already found in it, including the maturity date of the latest gutter note they inked in just July 2021 aka SURVIVAL CASH R US or WE BE BK for $165K more in DEATH SPIRAL NOT BOTTOM DRAGGER DILUTION BORROWING = this is a share printing and dilution mill :)


*INND was founded on fraud. In 2017 the Moores lost their license due to a scam that took advantage of veterans and the elderly.

*The Moores set up a puppet company with their college dropout son as "CEO" aka Matty aka THE PUNK to continue their scam under the OTC Act.

*The do not have a research team or an exclusive, proprietary product. Instead, they are simply buying off the rack Xiamen Newsound devices and reboxing. Anyone can buy the devices Innerscope is selling for $1500 off the internet for $300.

* They have a long history of promises that failed to materialize or turn a profit:

Past partnerships with Zounds, Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington, Sears, Walmart the bullshit fantasy "2019 1,000 plus Kiosks done" all except never happened and on and on and on.........


Still no BJ's.
Still no joint PR.
Still no fortune 25 company.
Still no kiosks

$10K TOTAL PER MONTH banked "revenues" while SALARIES INCREASED by $30K PER MONTH and 2.2 BILLION toilet paper shares have been diluted just since 2021 started LMAO !!!

2.2 BILLION shares of dilution generated $10K PER MONTH banked revenues and over $100K PER MONTH real cash losses :)


INND-a-CON IS a PUMP AND DILUTE OTC CON n FRAUD and nothing more Moore !