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Replies to #42 on Awesome Stocks


08/15/21 1:28 PM

#45 RE: bigworld #42

>> Mike Lindell <<

Lindell looks like a Deep State dis-info operative. That Cyber Symposium takes a legitimate topic (electronic election fraud) but then pushes the idea that China (not the Deep State) hacked the 2020 election. This is just a variation on the equally ridiculous Deep State narrative that Russia hacked the 2016 election. This symposium looks like a Deep State dis-info event.

Kunstler reiterates the same China centric narrative - "Dominion vote tallying machines were both pre-programmed with insidious algorithms and were also run remotely by Internet connection through servers in Senegal tied to China the night of Nov. 3, 2020"

The way dis-info works is that they'll put out 90% good info, but the 10% part is where the discussion is steered into the desired mis-direction. I've noticed that before with Kunstler.

Since mainstream news is a propaganda arm of the Deep State, the public looks for alternate news sources, so these have to also be controlled. Many of the 'Alt' entities are merely Deep State dis-info operations or limited hangouts -- Wikileaks, Snowden, Infowars, Anonymous, Q-Anon, etc. This happens on both the Right and Left so all bases are covered.

In addition to controlling the available narratives, the broader purpose is to keep the public permanently divided so there can never be an effective opposition to the Deep State/oligarchy.