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08/15/21 1:25 PM

#44 RE: bigworld #41

Hi Bigworld, Good to see you again :o)

I guess having to shuffle around to a different board is the price we pay for daring to question the official vaccine narrative. I assume that was what prompted the I-Hub mods to intervene. If Facebook booted 200,000 posters off their site, and Twitter bans Congressmen and a former President from posting, I guess the censorship process now extends to all social media sites, including stock investment boards.

Btw, did you get to that music festival in Arkansas? The way Delta has been spreading, probably best to eat at outdoor restaurants, and maintain the 6 ft distancing rule at the concerts if possible. I noticed people around here are mostly back to wearing masks in the grocery stores. Looking through some of the globalist oriented publications (the CFR's 'Foreign Affairs', The Atlantic, New Republic, National Review), they seem to be preparing everyone for the idea of a permanent Covid presence requiring annual vaccinations.

Catherine Fitts basically says it's a planned 'takedown', an engineered event, and the green light was given at the G-7 central bankers meeting in Jackson Hole on Aug 22, 2019 -

The G-7 called the plan the 'Going Direct Reset' (ie direct money infusions from the central banks to the public and corporations, instead of just QE and ZIRP, NIRP). A month after that G-7 meeting the Fed suddenly re-started QE/Quantitative Easing in response to the 'Repo Market' problems. At the time I figured something might be up, but had no idea that Covid would be next.

Fitts basically says it's all a coordinated plan. The pandemic brings down the world economy, the central banks swoop in with direct money infusions ('Going Direct Reset') to buy up all the cheap assets, and there's a concerted crash effort to advance the control grid infrastructure (all electric everything, the smart grid, etc), while the CBDC/Central Bank Digital Currencies are fast tracked. It's looking like Covid is to become the 'Forever Virus' (as the recent CFR 'Foreign Affairs' article puts it), to keep the perma-crisis going.

Anyway, sounds like a good time to escape to the hills of the Ozarks for some rest/relaxation :o)