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08/12/21 1:06 AM

#92845 RE: REAGAN #92840

Hahaha, such utter nonsense re getting current, lolololol!!! It will take a CPA a full day of work to collect the Nwgc data and the next day to format into a filing for submittal !!
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Dragon Lady

08/12/21 6:41 AM

#92849 RE: REAGAN #92840


Talbot pulling the ole "Medical stroke event" was the textbook 101 way to PUNCH-OUT OF A OTC CRIME GOING BAD and run for freaking Canada where he's been bunkered ever since 2015/2016 LMFAO !!!!

Oldest con trick in the crime book - the ole, "He dunn got sick and is incapacitated now so do not sue or indict him, and oh, he fled the country" LOL !!!

This shit show NWGC-a-FRAUD: It's as DIRTY A SHELL and SHIT SHOW CON as ever existed :)

THESE FACTS will be revealed to the Honorable judge Joseph Marx and it'll take him a NY nano second to further rip this fraud and scam apart :

QUOTE BEGINNING PAGE 3 (Late 2015 one of the last filings ever made by this CRIMINAL CON JOB SCAM - and then NEVER HEARD FROM AGAIN !) :

As of the date of this writing, Talbot has been declared permanently incapacitated (see attached certificate of incapacity) and has been transferred to a long-term care nursing home in Canada, the country of his citizenship. His recovery is unlikely and the management of his personal affairs has been transferred to his family under an “Enduring Power of Attorney”.

As a result of its engagement, Mines LLC began an investigation into the operation of the Corporations, an assessment of the status of each of the Corporations’ assets and liabilities in Ecuador, Peru and the U.S. as well as its reports filed on the OTC Markets.

The assessment to date, as more fully set forth below, is that the Companies filings on the OTC Market, including its financial statements, include material misstatements of facts and must be restated.

At this time, it appears that said situation, previously undisclosed by Talbot, has been ongoing for several years and the failure to resolve such issues has materially impacted the past reported financial statements of both Corporations.

Principal causes of the aforementioned problems are connected to long-standing undisclosed contractual fulfillment problems between the Corporations and the mining and milling partnerships established bv written contracts in Ecuador and Peru in 2011 (the “Partnerships”).

These Partnerships were entered into in order to monetarize the Corporations and were based on projections of revenue and profit at the time of their signing.

Severely problematic is that in the Corporations reporting on OTC since 2011, as orchestrated by Talbot, each of the Corporations has materially overstated its equity ownership, if any, in each of these Partnerships.

Moreover, from the date of entry into these contracts, there were issues with their legitimacy and enforceability in their respective countries since such contracts are required to be filed with governmental authorities and are required to meet certain other specific terms and conditions of either Ecuadorian or Peruvian law. Said contracts did not meet these requirements.

In addition, during the period of late 2012 through 2015, the Corporations each failed to fulfill certain funding obligations under each contract which would have entitled each of them to a share of revenue, profit and equity. Partners in Ecuador and Peru had verbally and in writing stated that said contracts were in default as a result of said funding failure.

Consequently, the reported results and operational disclosure posted by each of the Corporations on OTC were reported during a period of contractual default, which meant that the reported revenue, profit and equity were unearned by the Corporations, and the posting of the results as well as the status of operations were therefore either invalid, overstated or materially misleading.

As a result of all of the above, each of the Corporations must now restate its financial statements for years 2011 (the year of its entry in the Partnerships) through 2015 as reported by Talbot (the “Restatements”). Therefore, all financial statements of each of the Corporations for such prior periods may not be relied upon.

The issues with the Partnerships are complex. The principal of the Ecuadorian partnerships has stated a willingness to recraft or enter into new contracts for new assets, to which end the Corporations have retained an Ecuadorian law firm.

Moreover, over the past several months, we have had several meetings and discussions both in the U. S. and Ecuador with the principal of the Ecuadorian partnerships toward accomplishing new contracts. We anticipate announcing the results of such negotiations within the next thirty (30) days along with a recasting of the Corporations themselves.

We are still evaluating the entry into a new contract with the Peruvian partnership as to its economic feasibility.

Our inquiry into the actions of Talbot continues, including, but not limited to, those related to deliberate concealment of material facts, misstatement of items of disclosure and results of operations of the Corporations.

The Corporations have begun the process of recasting their financial statements in order to post on OTC the Restatements.

A U.S. law firm specializing in securities law is currently retained and engaged to assist us in our continuing evaluation of the assets and liabilities of the Corporations and the discovery of past acts by Talbot.

The full results of our inquiry and our recommendation as to actions to be taken as a result, including, but not limited to, legal action on behalf of the shareholders against Talbot, will be published at a later date upon the inquiry’s completion. We are not sure when that inquiry will be completed.

In connection with the above, the cash payment “Royalty” announced to be paid based on shareholdings in excess of 1,000,000 shares of NWGC from revenues of the BR Mine, as announced in a press release dated September 22, 2105 by Talbot, must be cancelled. Contractual issues similar to those mentioned above eHtend to the BR Mine initiative undertaken under Talbot’s stewardship.

The Corporations acknowledge that a “Stop Sign” has been placed on the information page of OTC pertaining to each. At this time and until the Restatements and other material documents can be posted to OTC with our confidence as to their completeness and accuracy, we anticipate that each Stop Sign shall remain.

We will endeavor to post Restatements and new information as quickly as practical.


Once again folks - those are the facts of the case and they are irrefutable !!

NWGC-a-CON has been a criminal fraud CLEAR BACK TO 2011 PER THEIR OWN STATEMENTS and thus NO "KNOWN" financials or "SHARE STRUCTURE" can ever legally be reconstructed, let alone done by Sept 28th using an ILLEGALLY FILED RE-INSTATED NEW CRIMINAL hijack LMFAO WTF ??????

IT IS OVER - this POS goes grey sheet no later than Sept 28th 2021 and will be insta .0000X per share and that is thee end, nothing even debatable :)