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08/11/21 10:32 PM

#169957 RE: mcnugget #169955

Way way oversold .
Exchange is real
A few glitches are expected.
COINBASE wasn’t built in a month either
It took them years

Nsav will be flawless on 90 days

$1.00 a share coming fast .


If they hold we will see .25 next week and uplist to otcx exchange


08/11/21 10:43 PM

#169959 RE: mcnugget #169955

Dude we bought millions of shares at .012 after the blood bath
Nsav is still the sammo company.

It just got hit hard by a short attack .

Now we’re amost up 400% in 2 days

Where else I gonna go

Plus your still here so what does that imply

If nsav is so bad why are u still here ?????


08/12/21 12:14 AM

#169977 RE: mcnugget #169955

Crazy.. Lots of peeps back in the spaceship, chinstraps tightened. Wonder if they realize the new interim CEO Lim is and was senior VP of cryptocurrency operations for NSAV per yesterdays PR and was very much involved with the disaster on the launch pad. Wong and Chun also pumped the BS launch on twitter, imo don't trust these HK Boyz. Now all the sudden Lim is a savior and his amazing video everyone is hyping Friday is going to be the resurrection and send this to moon.. The video if made will be nothing but more pipedreams and confusion. I would also bet JT is the one still tweeting.. He's the only one who tweets like a child from NSAV. Maybe the Fri limvid will announce merger with Bitmart LoL? Twitter suspends or removes users that put out "disinformation" yet they don't touch these accounts that mislead, lie, promise the world yet deliver nothing, and actively promote fraud. IMO Twitter is a culprit and SEC should ban such content/accounts if Twitter won't. Many have lost everything due to hype on Twitter, many different tickers. SAD