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08/09/21 5:24 PM

#369582 RE: KMBJN #369575

"Here is a nice balanced view of many studies, which concludes natural immunity may be better than vaccine induced"

Does that make natural immunity something to seek out?
You wouldn't suggest that that statistic, if true, should lead a person to avoid getting vaccinated, would you?

Because that's the question to answer first, isn't it?
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?


08/09/21 5:41 PM

#369589 RE: KMBJN #369575

Thanks for sharing. The article and your comments add clarity to the discussion.



08/09/21 9:34 PM

#369607 RE: KMBJN #369575

This issue will be a positive for IPIX

But, I think John Hopkins gives a more honest and credible assessment of this issue.

If someone has had COVID-19, why should they get vaccinated? Don’t they already have immunity?
If you’ve been infected, you have some protection. But that immunity has limits. The biggest limit is that it doesn’t last as long as we would like it to.

Studies have shown that people who have been infected can benefit significantly from vaccination. It gives them a strong, lasting immunity boost. After receiving the first dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, they have immunity levels comparable to those of uninfected people who have received their second dose.

We’re still trying to better understand why immunity lasts longer for some people than others. Underlying factors like obesity or age appear to play a role in how long immunity lasts.

From the CDC August 6, 2021:

Reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 has been documented, but the scientific understanding of natural infection-derived immunity is still emerging (5). The duration of immunity resulting from natural infection, although not well understood, is suspected to persist for ≥90 days in most persons.** The emergence of new variants might affect the duration of infection-acquired immunity, and laboratory studies have shown that sera from previously infected persons might offer weak or inconsistent responses against several variants of concern (2,6). For example, a recent laboratory study found that sera collected from previously infected persons before they were vaccinated provided a relatively weaker, and in some cases absent, neutralization response to the B.1.351 (Beta) variant when compared with the original Wuhan-Hu-1 strain (1). Sera from the same persons after vaccination showed a heightened neutralization response to the Beta variant, suggesting that vaccination enhances the immune response even to a variant to which the infected person had not been previously exposed. Although such laboratory evidence continues to suggest that vaccination provides improved neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 variants, limited evidence in real-world settings to date corroborates the findings that vaccination can provide improved protection for previously infected persons. The findings from this study suggest that among previously infected persons, full vaccination is associated with reduced likelihood of reinfection, and, conversely, being unvaccinated is associated with higher likelihood of being reinfected.

Message in reply to:

The source is from Israel Health ministry, not from Nigeria.

There is debate on the meaningfulness of the observation:

By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with over 3,000 of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave.

According to a report by Channel 13, the disparity has confounded – and divided – Health Ministry experts, with some saying the data proves the higher level of immunity provided by natural infection versus vaccination, while others remained unconvinced.

There are always nuances to everything. Here is a nice balanced view of many studies, which concludes natural immunity may be better than vaccine induced:

She seems like one of the honest journalists, looking at all sides of an issue. It's good to keep an open mind!