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08/08/21 10:39 PM

#326179 RE: DeusMunus #326178

LMFAO! The DEMAND LETTER that forced this former company to turn over ALL ASSETS INCLUDING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY was issued in July 2016!

The trademark that you are referring to WAS NOT FILED FOR BY THIS COMPANY and has nothing to do with this stock, other than having a similar name.

BASIC DD FOLKS! It will clear away the smoke and shatter the mirrors in any fun house.

Read the letters from the then CFO of THIS COMPANY if you want the TRUTH.

Another fun FACT that has been proven time and time again ....
NM, LLC is the SUBSIDIARY of Yorkville(who took everything)
Plenty of FACTUAL DD has been posted about that EVERY TIME THES FAKE ASSOCIATIONS GET REVIVED. Look for it, it's there and you owe it to yourselves to do your OWN DD.

Here is a old NM, LLC profile. Note the website address. They OWNED IT AFTER YORKVILLE TOOK IT AND USED IT just like the trademaked name of NeoMedia that they used as well. Even this companies former CEO went to work for them!

Beware bogus claims and convoluted associations! There are plenty of shares for sale! People want out of their positions, in fear of them going to zero?