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08/08/21 2:37 PM

#691437 RE: bcde #691436

Thanks, All good points.

of course it depends what the government is willing to do to address the debt ceiling and fund projects.


08/09/21 9:17 AM

#691475 RE: bcde #691436

makes sense

but the market does not always make sense

the market - speculators - hedge funds - others - often have short memories

and with a high enough reward to risk - "calculation" - interesting non logical things happen

but it does make total sense


08/09/21 9:42 AM

#691487 RE: bcde #691436

That's why they gave up their defence in SCOTUS. They tried to give in, hoping the SCOTUS would rule against them and fix their problem. But, SCOTUS was kind of "don't bother me. It is your problem. Fix it yourself". IMO.


08/09/21 3:55 PM

#691520 RE: bcde #691436

No disagreeing with you but having been investing for almost 30 years I've seen plenty of reorg/restructure that have gotten rid of old shareholders and start new again.

Why would new money invest in this? Um, because there's money to be paid. Does new money care about old shareholders not getting anything probably not as long as they get paid. It's not right but it's reality. And also part of investing. every dollar you make someone probably lost hat dollar so that's how it goes.