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08/07/21 4:08 PM

#369347 RE: farrell90 #369338

Here's Another Erroneous Headline From Your Source: NewsRescue

Latest UK Data: Vaccinated People 3-times More Likely To Die From Delta Variant Than Unvaccinated

Here's the headline you presented:

Delta Variant: Natural Immunity 700% Greater Protection Than Shot, Data from Israeli Govt. Shows

Both of these headlines are absurd. This "news" source seems to favor sensationalism.

Here's the headline I presented:

Debate Is Over: COVID Vax Doubled Protection for the Previously Infected
— "If you have had COVID-19 before, please still get vaccinated," says CDC Director

I don't consider "NewRescue" to be a credible source.

The readers can read the 3 articles above and decide for themselves if NewsRescue is more or just as reilable as Medpage. They have opposing headlines.


08/07/21 5:25 PM

#369354 RE: farrell90 #369338

Farrell90, I have great respect for you. However, learning the source you are referencing originates from Nigeria is rather disappointing. There has to be better sources you can lean on?


08/07/21 5:39 PM

#369360 RE: farrell90 #369338

Interesting source (NewsRescue) you have.
Here's part of the analysis of NewsRescue by

News Rescue frequently promotes conspiracy theories regarding Covid-19 as well anti-vaccination misinformation. They also routinely source conspiracy website Zerohedge for stories. In general, story selection favors the right and sometimes is not factual.

Overall, we rate News Rescue Right-Center Biased and Questionable based on a lack of transparency, poor souring, and the promotion of conspiracy theories and misinformation. (D. Van Zandt 1/22/2017) Updated (2/10/2021)