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08/06/21 5:28 PM

#269 RE: NYBob #268

#USAS: THE CYCLE GOES ROUND..;-)...$1.31...;-)

Record Stocks of Gold Held in London Vaults

As at end July 2021, the amount of gold held in London vaults hit a record high of 9,634 tonnes of gold (+0.49% on previous month), valued at $565.5 billion, which equates to approximately 770,757 gold bars.

We publish total vault holdings data as part of our continued efforts to improve transparency in the Loco London Precious Metals Market, which also includes reporting weekly LBMA Trade Data. The statistics below include the holdings of the London commercial vaults as well as the Bank of England’s gold holdings (the Bank does not hold any silver).

Record Stocks of Gold Held in London Vaults
As at end July 2021, the amount of gold held in London vaults hit a record high of 9,634 tonnes of gold (+0.49% on previous month), valued at $565.5 billion, which equates to approximately 770,757 gold bars.

There was also 36,589 tonnes of silver (-0.32% on previous month), valued at $30 billion, which equates to approximately 1,219,641 silver bars.

These figures provide an important insight into London’s ability to underpin the physical OTC market.

The publication on the fifth business day of each month of the amount of gold the London vaults were holding at the end of the previous month follows the recent move to publish the equivalent data for silver. It represents a continued move towards greater transparency and timeliness.

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maverick one

08/07/21 2:11 PM

#270 RE: NYBob #268

Good reading - I’m looking at creating my own silver/gold bars. I am looking at buying a rock crusher and a furnace to melt my own bars, hopefully in 22’ at some point. I’m researching mines, that can be worked on a small scale, just when I have the time initially. Haul out a rock crusher, and get busy. If I can locate a mine, where I can take a ton out or 3 out daily (2000 to 6000) and process, next day. That will be 1-3 tons every 48 hours. If I can get enough oz’s out of each ton, on a small scale, with no overhead - then process after crushing and put into my own furnace. I’ll create my own bullion for a fraction of what large or smaller jv mining outfits can produce at. Like pennies on dollar. I can easily add to my existing bullion reserves bought in open market, for decades. But now, I’m going to try my hand at creating my own. Hopefully more than what I project. I can then hold and or take profits by selling directly to gold/silver/coin shops who have cash on hand and pay spot prices +.

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maverick one

08/07/21 2:57 PM

#271 RE: NYBob #268

I’ve invested into mining stocks for 3+ decades and seen my share of many very poorly ran mining companies that are publicly traded. That either piss off many millions of dollars, pay themselves too much, dilute shareholders, or chasing veins that lead to nowhere, pay their labor too much.

Then I’ve seen many very well ran corporations, that do things the right way, not just for themselves, but for their shareholders.

But. I have decided to embark on my own odyssey and business adventure and do a small scale mining private outfit. It’s time, that I produce my own private held bullion, for a fraction of what these mining outfits overhead costs to create 1 Oz. I’m looking in WA, MT, ID, OR, AZ, CA, NV, NM. Lower elevations exclusively that do not get snowed in and unable to get into, until snow melts.

I’m going to process myself from crushing, everything, and then into my furnace to smelt into my private bullion line. One stop shop, and I won’t be telling anyone where it’s at.

Time has come. USA is in debt for .58 every dollar they print and they won’t take correct actions bob to be fiscally responsible. I see like you got years and where this is going. BK. Just bc the government is lame brained, and having massive trade imbalances with our communist enemy China, I’m not going to be.

I have decided for my own personal financial security, I’m starting my own - very exclusive private mining. Take my own security actions, by producing myself. When one becomes a producer, with no overhead, I’ll be immune for economic coming issues. I will not overpay for anymore bullion and the 10% markup to do business with them any further, in open markets.

By 2022, I’ll be a producing gold/silver private miner. In control of my own destiny. When economic collapse occurs, with trillions of debts, I’ll be sitting on my bullion and can produce as much or as little as I desire.

I will not be buying any more bullion on any open markers ever again. But people will be buying mine, directly. When I choose to sell.

The dark clouds have been on horizon for far too long bob, imo, their just offshore. They’ll be blowing over us within 10-20 years. I’ll be prepared for everything that comes before, during, after. I’ve never met anyone dictate to me anything in life, sure as hell know a thing or two about economics and debt. I’m starting this, at exactly right time.
