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08/05/21 2:50 PM

#310627 RE: JBIIRULES #310623


It takes Heddle at least 10 seconds to ask the accountant to update the financials.

After that, it takes the accountant at least 10 minutes to update the financials for a company without any operations or financial activity.


08/06/21 11:53 AM

#310630 RE: JBIIRULES #310623

Today's phone call: Heddle to accountant

H: "Hi there Gil. Dick Heddle here."

G: "Oh hi there Dicky. Long time. Eh?"

H: "Oh sure has been. Eh? How's parole treatin' ya Gil? Eh?"

G: "Oh heck Dicky, time sure flies. Eh? What can I do ya for? Eh?"

H: "Remember that lil company that Bordywhackadoodle started? Oily plastics, or oil to plastic, or, I dunno. Remember?"

G: "Oh sure Dicky. Sure did get that Bordywhackadoodle in hot water. Eh? "

H: "Yah, sure did. Eh? Well Gill. I need ya to update th.....over the.....before..."

G: "Or darn Dicky. Yer cuttin' out. Eh? I can't hear ya. Eh? Call me back tomorrow when your signal is better. Eh? Bye now."


08/09/21 12:54 PM

#310651 RE: JBIIRULES #310623

Monday's phone call: Heddle to accountant

H: "Hi there Gil. Dick Heddle again."

G: "Oh hi there Dicky. Thanks for calling back, eh?"

H: "Oh, sure you betcha, eh. How you been Gil?"

G: "That parole officer of mine sure is a pain the the butt, ya know, eh?"

H: "Oh sure, Eh? The reason I'm calling Gil. Well, you remember that li'l company that Bordywhakadoodle started. That oil for plastics thing? Eh?"

G: "Sure do Dicky. Eh? "

H: "Well Gill. It's still trading on that assclown exachange. Under the counter I think they call it. I need ya to update the.... Oh shit Gil! There's another fight on the dock. I gotta go bust it up eh? Darn boys drink too many Labatts for lunch. I'll call ya back later Gill. "

G: "Sure Dicky. Call back soon. Eh?"